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How is light created in the sun?
How is light created in the sun?
Divine law has created everything in a desired limited quantity from its opposite. Then, by their alternation, He has continued the succession of cycles, so that the existence of the Creator of the world may be established through the proof of the possibility of creating everything from its opposite. Thus, this physical world is created in a confined spherical shape. That is, its spread and quantity are not infinite, rather they are finite, as is evident from this Qur’anic verse: “And everything with Him is in a quantity” (13:8). Thus it is evident that everything from among space, time, sensible and intelligibles, is in a fixed quantity. By quantity is meant the quantity of time and space in which the distance, weight and units of a things are discussed.
Now the question arises: It this world is created in a desired limited quantity, by what scale and what ratio is its quantity determined? The answer is that its quantity is determined by its relation to the power of the Universal Soul. For, the workshop of the world runs by the power of the Universal Soul. That is, it is as if the Universal Soul stands for the soul of the world.
When we come to know that the world is organized and functions by the same one power, then it is analogous to a huge machine that is run by a single sage (Hakim). The ultimate product of the different parts of this machine, despite making different movements under the power and control of the same person, shows that they are working unitedly. This example shows that the act and effect of fixed stars, planets, the sun, space, etc., irrespective of what they do, is under the influence of a united power, and they are in a specific and fixed number and quantity. Their division is in accordance with the requirement of sagacious manufacturing, not that they have scattered by an accidental collision. Thus it is evident that the number, volume and mutual distance of the fixed stars, planets, etc. are as wisdom requires. This is so that countless human beings may practically attain the sciences and recognitions that are hidden in the wisdom-filled creation of the vast universe. Similarly, the sun also has a desired limited quantity. The amount of which is determined by the distance between the centre of the universe (i.e. the place of the sun) and the centre of the Universal Soul (i.e. the circumferential surface of the universe).
Now, with regard to the light of the sun, it can be said that its light is not its own, not is it (the sun) a solid body, rather, there is also in it the same prime matter with which the vast space [of the universe] is filled. That is, where the clear, blue sky appears devoid of stars, it is not in fact so, but it is filled with the same matter. Since space (makan) without an occupant (mutamakkin) is impossible, therefore there is no place in this universe even equal to a particle that is empty. Space and its occupant are the two names of a body: the subtle body is considered space and the dense body, its occupant.
Thus, in the centre of the universe (i.e. the sun), there is also that same prime matter, which is in the vast space [of the universe]. The light of the sun is in reality due to the pressure of the luminous rays of the Universal Soul, which constantly falls upon it from the circumference of the universe, due to which matter within a proportionate circle dissolves and turns into light. In other words, as mentioned earlier in this book, the Universal Soul comprises the spherical circumference of the universe and presses the universe towards its centre, in its forceful, spherical hold, by which the matter in the centre of the universe dissolves and turns into light. For, when there is a powerful pressure upon a round body from all sides of its surface, then that pressure reaches its extreme force at its centre (and bursts). Just as when the warm winds of summer are tightly pressed within the circle of cold clouds, then, first of all, the particle in the centre of this portion of air explodes and then one after the other, all the rest of the particles explode, which cause a tremendous power, a dazzling light and a frightful thunder. The same is the case with the centre of the universe. Matter that is powerfully pressed by the luminous rays of the Universal Soul is called the sun, because it dissolves into light.
Now, as for the proof of the fact that the light of the sun is not its own, nor is it a solid body, is that if we accept that its light is its own and its body solid, this would mean that it can dispense with provision, that is, it does not receive any power form outside. For, to say that something can exist on its own and that it is solid, means that it is not dependent, nor does it receive any power from outside. Had this concept been true, then it would either have been extinct by now, or it would have decreased [in power] due to its constant emission. For it is impossible to be a body that constantly emits light and nuclear power without receiving any power from outside, and still not decrease in any way. There is no such body. Thus it is evident that the light of the sun is not its own, nor is it something other than the prime matter of the universe.
Another proof is that, although with respect to density and subtlety, the body is dense (solid) and the soul is subtle (transparent and ever-reaching). Yet in this very division of such varied bodies, some of them are farther from the soul due to their natural density and some of them are closer to it due to their natural subtlety, due to which the spiritual action becomes comparatively faster in them. In other words, there is an universal order of the physical and spiritual existents. This can be compared to a chain, the first half of which consists of the links of physical grades and the second half, of the spiritual ones. However, between the two there is such an intermediate link, which if on the one hand is physical, on the other it is spiritual. This intermediate link, which has combined the physical and the spiritual links of the chain of the universe and is positioned between them, is the sun.
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